Friday, August 14, 2015

PEI - biking adventure day 6 and journey home

Another awesome day of riding!!  Who knew 56+k would become so easy. Yesterday and today's rides were a ton of fun. Almost hated to have it all come to an end ... Except that body portion in contact with the bike seat had really worn out its welcome... Especially the last few kilometers ... You know what I am saying... 

What a genuinely wonderful group to have had the privilege to spend the last 7 days. My most humble thanks to them all and hope to ride with you again. 

Enjoy some of today's memories --

Ride on dear friends. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

PEI - biking adventure. Day 5

Believe it or not, today was my favorite day of biking!  Truly quiet roads, dirt roads, off roads, and busier roads with shoulders.  Oh yeah, most of the last 14k was on a rail to trail bike path. Absolutely a ton of fun. 
The after glow onset was pretty much immediately upon arrival to our evening's destination. To which much "smart talk" broke out.  We regaled each other with many stories. One stands out to which a female biker in Ontario shopping for a new and better bike seat. the shop keeper responded by saying this is what you want, a twat seat. Which our conversation proceeded to the Texan in Ontario in the bike shop asking for some "aaaasce scream". Some would thing he was asking for something closer to gelato but no, he meant more something along the line of reducing the friction of one's posterior and related regions to a bike seat.  Well, our conversation, deteriorated further to a Texan asking "do you want some aaass scream for that twat seat?" Oh you get the gist....

Back on point... 😇   Absolutely lovely day of biking today and again in a boutique resort with a fantastic view of St Peters bay just off the gulf of St Lawrence.  Absolutely charming bungalows. We socialized in the gazebo along the sea shore late afternoon and then a scrumptious dinner. The halibut was tasty.  

Tonight is our last night on the island. Tomorrow another 56k, a run for the ferry and back to Halifax. Not sure if there will be time to jot off a blog entry but will try.  Those 7 a.m. Flights make for a very early rising ... 3:30 a.m. 

Hope you have enjoyed this journey.  Here are some photos from today...


🍻. 😋.  🚴.    ❤️

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

PEI - biking adventure Day 4

Whew... What a day!!  The biker's trifecta --- wind, hills, AND rain.  😅.  On our travels today, there was water to our right, water to our left, water falling on us... Kinda 360 degrees of moisture... A lot of moisture. 😅   The wind was blowing so hard could have sworn it was sleeting.... Who knew rain could pelt a person to the point it is stinging. ?!? 😜

Drenched is how to describe the lot of us as we trapsed into one of the most decadent resort boutique former summer home of the rich and famous built in the 1890's - Dalvay Inn. Absolutely stunning. It is on the north (I think) coast of PEI. A bit of social faux pas as to how we all entered this bit of a blue blood establishment, dripping wet. The staff was pretty tolerant and lent us a little beach towel to get some of the moisture and grit from our face and legs in the ladies washroom. -- 2 staller... With our luggage... Another opportunity for exercise.  😝.  We rode hard and fast which was a good and bad thing... We were able to get out of the weather but got here 3 hours before we could get into our rooms...   No worries, there was the room across from the foyer was the pub... Yeah!!

My room is second floor, bay window on the left. Really really really cool room!

View of the day ....  A dry view of the day.... Writing this blog and sipping on some yummy honey jack.  What is not to like!!

Two more days of biking.  Hope there are hills and wind.... Maybe our clothes will be dry by the end of the week...
Cheers!! 🍻

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

PEI - biking adventure day 3

Oh what a day!!  Truly a biking adventure.  A few thoughts come to mind ...  Hot, humid, hilly, hustle, and h-windy. PEI has many textures. Fields and fields of grains ( of which we are still trying to figure out what they are) and potatoes. Occasionally see herds of cows and a few horses. Oh yeah, chickens sprinkled about here and there. 

 Developed a new biking technic -- how to breathe and use your teeth as a bug guard...😅.  No insects down the wind pipe- so far, so good.  😀. 

Enjoy some of today's scenery.  

Gulf of st Lawrence beach. 

Lobster balls....?!?!

Canola .... Lots and lots of canola

Anne of Green Gables home. 

More fun tomorrow !!

Monday, August 10, 2015

PEI - biking adventure Day 2

Today we embarked on our longest route for the week - 81 ... Kilometers. 😋  easy peasy. The countryside varied from turn to turn. Bucolic fields to thick woods to bays filled with oyster beds (that is where they sleep at night... Ha ha ha ).  Every biker successfully navigated the sometimes quiet and some times busy roads of this amazingly beautiful little island. 
The intricate architecture of the local little churchs is quite eye catching. All the homes and structures are maticulouosly maintained. They must do nothing but mow grass and tend the beautiful flower gardens. 

Here are a few glimpses into to today's adventure ...

More tomorrow ! Stay tuned!!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

PEI - biking adventure! Day 1

There is no doubt those of you who may be reading this blog, will be looking at a map to figure out where I the heck is Prince Edward Island. 😃  one may not know unless they have decided to travel to this northeastern island off the coast of Nova Scotia. It is quite beautiful. 
Although have to admit the Iowa farmer backrground in me have been whiling away the kilometers trying to figure out exactly what is that crop in the field....  😉 

To bring you all up to speed, we have a group of about 12 bikers. 9 from the twin cities and 3 from Canada assembled to ride the island of Prince Edward. We crossed one of the longest and highest bridges in the world to get from the mainland. See pictures below. 

So dear vicarious travel fans, hang on for another adventure!
Thank you for traveling with me!!  🚴

The bridge. Nova Scotia on the distant horizon.  12 kilometer away. 

Hotel Lord Nelson

Stay tuned... More tomorrow. May even take my camera this time,,,

Friday, August 7, 2015

New adventure! Prince Edward Island

Departing tomorrow for Halifax with a group to bike the island called Prince Edward Island! Stay tuned for a fun ride!