Friday, February 26, 2016

Aloha Hawaii 2016 epilogue

So much fun in the sun and surf. Most assuredly, none of the hanai want to leave, at the same time, we all are ready to go home. Kauai has treated us with its' lush splender and challenges with a rather high surf.  Hard to imagine swells of over 50'. One man, on the north side of the island, yesterday was sitting a bit too close when a 40' wave hit him, they have yet to find him. Given that, the hanai today were more than happy to stay on the leeward side (south) of the island for the second time sailing with captain Andy. Sad that we were not able to sail along the Na' pale coast, keeping our breakfast and lunch down, won out. A stone unturned for next time to this garden island. 

The las two days consisted of cooking our meals at our cottage, shopping, partying, pool time, down time, relaxing, sailing, snorkeling, having shaved ice treats, imbibing in local grown foods, drinks, and just a lot of darn good fun! 

Here are some visual captures of our last days in paradise :

Our 4 bedroom cottage

North Pacific humpback whales. One nose, one tail...

Aloha dear friends.  Thank you, mahalo, for traveling with us. 

More adventures later this year....

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Aloha Hawaii 2016 part 9

Theme today -- biking and exploring. A contingent of 6 rousted out of our snug little beds at 4 a.m. In excited anticipation to ride down from nearly the top of Wai'ale'ale. It was a ton of fun! The bikes have  had to of been from the 50's. Something your grandmother would have ridden. But very comfortable. They launched us at about 3000' elevation and off we coasted down to sea level. Wheeee! Good thing for disc brakes ... Mine were smoking  :D

After regrouping, the non bikers drove back up to Wai'ale'ale and beyond to the very end of the road on the Na Pale coast. Amazing views, had it not been socked in the clouds/mist. Interesting .. Sunshine on our shoulders and looking down into the clouds... 

Enjoy some of the views...

Private island of Niihua in the distance. Only native Hawaiians living traditional lifestyle -- no electricity, no running water, no alcohol, no tobacco, and, horror or horrors, no cells phones!  How to they ever survive!!?!?!

Waimea canyon. Breathtaking. 

These crowing creatures are virtually everywhere.

Another day in paradise...

News flash! For those of you avid readers, here is an update on Kelley. She is miraculously worked dilengently on her rehab to be released to fly Saturday !!! That is day after tomorrow and 1 week 3 days post hip replacement!! Way to go Kelley !  The other pieces of the puzzle are almost nearly in place - 2 of our hanai members must fly with her -- first class. That is the only way she could be on the plane. Of course that will apply to all 3. Oh bummer, first class! The tour company is footing the cost. Very very good of them to do so. Keep your fingers crossed and well wishes that Kelley is successfully transferred from the Maui hospital to a rehab center in the twin cities. 

Absolutely nothing scheduled, except cooking our own meals tomorrow, but one never knows what may happen.... Stay tuned!,


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Aloha Hawaii 2016 part 8

Theme for today, snorkeling and sailing.  Our first day in many that we did not have to be anywhere at dawn's crack.  The hanai could sleep well into the sun rise and not before. A much welcomed rest. The seaside cottage we are staying in is really quite nice! Our travelista (rhymes with fashionista) who found this place is amazing and most appreciated. 

Our exploration of Kauai has been primarily from Lihue and west... south side of the island. There are white sand and some black sand beaches everywhere. Not too far away is the salt pond beach. Fun snorkeling! The camera did not travel with us, so no photos of this adventure. Just imagine some of the most fascinating snorkeling, and you will be close. 

Sunset dinner cruise on a catamaran.  All sailing was happening on the south side of the island due to high serf. That is if you consider 30' high.... Might be a bit tough to keep your peas and potatoes on your plate...:D   The crew did an excellent job feeding and beveraging us. What is not to like!?!  Enjoy some of today's visuals. 

The whole hanai minus our sweet Kelley. Who is still in Maui. Making excellent progress. 

Tomorrow biking, hiking, and socializing. Keep reading!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Aloha Hawaii 2016 part 7

Yup, vacation is now in full swing. We are in paradise for sure!!  Launching Pele rock seems to have improved our luck for a good time.  Bye bye Pele ...

Our last day on the big island was nothing short of a ton of fun.  Began the day at the ungodly early hour of 9:30... (Late in comparison to our previous adventures) treated ourselves to the breakfast brunch. Yum! The fresh fruit is amazingly good.  Then off to the sister property to the hapuna beach Prince resort, Manna Kea, right next door. BJ and I tried hiking to it earlier. In true Hawaii terrain, not really good idea. One thing to scale the hills and lava rock to get there, but a return trip was required. 

The snorkeling was very fun. Due to high serf and rip tides, not really able to get out as far as we wanted. Better safe then sorry. A heathy fear of the ocean is a good thing. Amongst the marine life we experienced was an octopus, swam with a sea turtle and tons of colorful fish large and small. 

Back to hapuna, and into the pool for the remainder of the afternoon. So relaxing! The hanai are vacationing now. ( remember the definition of hanai?) ( that's us!). Enjoyed another breathtaking sunset while poolside having our dinner meal. 

Transition time - said goodbye to hapuna, an amazingly beautiful resort, to set out for our 3rd and final island, Kauai. A brand new experience for the hanai, renting a VRBO ( vacation rental by owner) Jackie did a absolutely fabulous job picking this home. It is really really cool!!  One much welcomed change, we cooked our dinner meal, devouring every morsel with a smile on our faces. After doing the math, it was $5.53 per person -- what's not to like! 

Tomorrow, snorkeling and dinner cruising. Stay tuned!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Aloha Hawaii 2016 part 6

Another day in paradise... Pele seems to have staying on Maui ... For the most part. 

All of the hanai ( formerly referred to as the intrepid travelers ) minus one, me, went back up the hill for ATV riding. They had an outstandingly fun time. Amazing ride through the rainforest and breathtaking views of the waipio valley. Our camera did not make the trip, see Facebook for visuals. :)

Today, treating you all a virtual tour of the hapuna beach prince resort.  Enjoy!

View out of our room 

A really cool spot to snorkel. 

Hawaii green sea turtle above the rock. 

Really... You are taking my picture ... So annoyed...

Would not be complete without having a turkey saranading us with his gobbling ...

Tomorrow, transfer to our 3rd and last island. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Aloha Hawaii 2016 part 5

Paradise, simply paradise!  The big island is unique, very different to the other islands. Partly due to the multitude of micro climates and the fact it is still growing. Morning light looking out through the lobby ... Just breathtaking. 

The main event for the day .. Taking off in a helicopter!! So cool! Checked out an active vent, recent lava flows and lush green surrounding water falls. Where else on earth?

Take out lunch ocean side! So cool!!

Next stop, the volcano national park and circle drive around the island. The main volcanic crater was busy too. Fascinating ...

A stroll through a dormant lava tube. 

Day capped off with beer and sustainance a our favorite watering hole, kona brewing co. What a day, 15 hours worth, time to rest up for tomorrow we ride!