Thursday, February 25, 2016

Aloha Hawaii 2016 part 9

Theme today -- biking and exploring. A contingent of 6 rousted out of our snug little beds at 4 a.m. In excited anticipation to ride down from nearly the top of Wai'ale'ale. It was a ton of fun! The bikes have  had to of been from the 50's. Something your grandmother would have ridden. But very comfortable. They launched us at about 3000' elevation and off we coasted down to sea level. Wheeee! Good thing for disc brakes ... Mine were smoking  :D

After regrouping, the non bikers drove back up to Wai'ale'ale and beyond to the very end of the road on the Na Pale coast. Amazing views, had it not been socked in the clouds/mist. Interesting .. Sunshine on our shoulders and looking down into the clouds... 

Enjoy some of the views...

Private island of Niihua in the distance. Only native Hawaiians living traditional lifestyle -- no electricity, no running water, no alcohol, no tobacco, and, horror or horrors, no cells phones!  How to they ever survive!!?!?!

Waimea canyon. Breathtaking. 

These crowing creatures are virtually everywhere.

Another day in paradise...

News flash! For those of you avid readers, here is an update on Kelley. She is miraculously worked dilengently on her rehab to be released to fly Saturday !!! That is day after tomorrow and 1 week 3 days post hip replacement!! Way to go Kelley !  The other pieces of the puzzle are almost nearly in place - 2 of our hanai members must fly with her -- first class. That is the only way she could be on the plane. Of course that will apply to all 3. Oh bummer, first class! The tour company is footing the cost. Very very good of them to do so. Keep your fingers crossed and well wishes that Kelley is successfully transferred from the Maui hospital to a rehab center in the twin cities. 

Absolutely nothing scheduled, except cooking our own meals tomorrow, but one never knows what may happen.... Stay tuned!,



  1. Hope you get to Hanalei...our favorite area when we visit.
    Hit Tahiti Nui...great bar, some of the movie Decedents was filmed there...When we watched movie we recognized bar staff and the band...Drinks good to!

  2. Glad for Kelley - glad for first class - glad for such absolutely gorgeous scenery!!
