Friday, August 12, 2016

Oh Canada, πŸŽΆπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦, Eh...

There is nothing more certain of a test for true compatability then to put 4 adults, all their gear and necessary accessories in a crew cab pick up truck for nearly 23 hours of driving,...into a foreign country ,,,, :)  One could not ask for a better group of travel companions. We are having a great time. Especially when Alice sprung alter ego, a hand puppet of sorts. Cannot decide if it is Kermit or Lambchop....   Not many people can boast on the accomplishment of taking 11 hours to make a 9 hour drive.... Twice

Our adventure to date is experiencing Wisconsin and Ontario from the windows of the truck. Boy, have we seen a lot of country side. Oh, yeah, scouting out a few bar and grills when the need struck. Arby's scored a wave as we flew by.  The truck rebels did not stick to the itinerary. 

Sault Ste Marie is a pretty interesting town. Stood on the observation deck to see the huge cargo ships pass through the docks. Kinda like watching paint dry... No, really, it was interesting. 

Tonight we are in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. Our hope is to be able to tour the city by bike tomorrow and it's numerous UNESCO sites. Beautiful weather we have had to date, but not tomorrow. Drat. Peggy, our uber amazing planner will come up with something.   

Here are some visuals to pique you curiosity.  

Make and Alice

Our ride, next time...

Laurie ne Nina

Mark rode his bike across this bridge!! Eeeeek

The reason we were an hour late for dinner reservation ...

Be sure to check back for more adventure!

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