Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wild Wild West Adventure episode 6

We did it! Alice and I rode every one of the 109 miles of the George Mickelson Trail. This was a memorable experience. Although, would have to say, that last 4 miles through the open hills of sage brush, was a tiny bit of forever...  The trail offered at every moment a sense of discovery.  So remote at times, full of wildlife, canyons, multitude of ecosystems, from high mountain forests to prairies, truly an experience to involve all the senses.  Oh yes, a bit of resolve through the miles of climbs rewarded by the joy of coasting even farther.  The trail surface required vigilance. A lax moment and a wrong placement of a tire could buck you right off the trail. If you have a notion to experience this trail, it comes with high recommendations. 

Not many pictures from the trail, busy hanging on to handle bars ... :D.  We do have some of our home for 7 days, Hot Springs, and Crazy Horse monument.   Enjoy!

Mile post zero!

Our new home...

Tomorrow more exploration!  Be sure to read on.  Cheers! 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Wild Wild West Adventure episode 5

Another early early rise and shine, not to be unrewarded. 7 of the 9 travelers rousted up and on the road shortly after 6 a.m. To start our exploration of the wild life circle drive and Custer state park. Wow, was this ever worth it!  Sylvan Lake to Needles highway, around the park, visitor's centers, Iron mountain highway and unbelievable views of the heads!! ( Mt Rushmore ). 
Look and see:

Oh George...

Tomorrow, Alice and I ride the remaining 57 miles of the Mickelson to be joined by the masses to explore the mammoths !  Read on!

Wild Wild West Adventure episode 4

Oh my aching ( fill in the blank)....  

This day's adventure is to hike up to and back from Harney Peak. This is the highest point east of the Rockies and west of the French Pyrenees at 7244' elevation. The recommended time to allot for this round trip hike is 4-5 hours. We are proud to report our excursion was is a snappy 5.5 hours.  It was an exhilarating experience and a bit of sweat. We made it!! The current fire outlook post was built by the CCC in 1938 and staffed until 1963. Cannot imagine working at this location.  It boasted an amazing overlook of the black hills. Have a look see of this adventure..l

Sylvan Lake

Our destination in that point in the distance. 

The back side of Mount Rushmore on the right. Mount baldy on the left.  

Harney Peak

Tomorrow, the highlights of Custer state park and more...

Wild Wild West Adventure episode 3

Mickelson Trail! 109 miles through the Black Hills. Day 1 on the trail

Alice and I set off to ride the first half of this amazing trail.  Many revelations were not long in setting in. Basically there are 2 directions -- either up or down. Climbing at an average of 7 mph up or 17 mph down. Who knew a 3% grade could make that much difference!!  Unbelievable. The up grade goes on for miles!  Out of Deadwood, it is a climb for 15 miles right out of the starting gate. The views from the top of that hill are quite spectacular. 

Then, the down pedaling necessary. Oh, that was the best!! At times hit 20 mph without even trying!   The RV campers chose to ride to a couple of some of the highlights of the trail. The timing could not have been better if we tried to arrange our meeting on the trail -- in the middle of nowhere. Just out of the most southern tunnel, there was the gang!  So fun to meet up with them!  All went well for all until Ronna, unfortunately, picked up something that punctured her tire ... Bummer.  Off to Eric's upon return to the twin cities. 

At mile 49 brought Alice & I into Hill City just in time to meet up with the biking RV campers. Of course we found one of the best "watering holes" for sustainance and some well deserved adult beverage. Oh my, did that taste good!  

Officially -- Alice and I rode 54 miles according to the Garmin -- average 9.9 mph, max 20.2 mph, 3809' ascent and 3180 descent. Just a minor warm up for some of our Minnetonka club riders.... :D

Tomorrow we climb Harney Peak. You must read about this! 

Wild Wild West Adventure. Episode 2

Woke up to significantly more manageable temps. We did not have to have the a/c on full blast!  :D The hotel treated us to a hotel breakfast, oh yum, then off we when to explore Badlands national park in the morning sun.  The striads of buff and pink and green colors just popped brilliantly. It was quite striking. 

Off to trips down memory lane for Brenda. She had the opportunity to work in the hills in her teen years....the revelation hit her... 39 and 41 years ago! She was one of the housekeeping team at Powder House Lodge. AND it is still running strong! What are those odds!?!?! You must ask her about her mangling sheets skills. We had a nice lunch and a lively chat with th current owner.  Upon returning home, she will be digging through her pics from the 70's ....

The hills are just beautiful! The granite spires, green forests, and brilliant blues skies. Checked into our home for the next 7 nights at the Rafter J Bar Ranch. This place is huge. Need to drive or ride our bikes to go from our cabin to the real campers.  They scored the best sites on the ranch, very nice!  Also, by evening, it was about a 60 degree swing from our arrival in the Badlands. We could even have and need the heat from a fire as the sun set.  Ahhhhh this is the life!

Tomorrow we ride!!  

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Wild Wild West adventure. Episode 1

Dark o'clock, the excitement mounts, the moment is here! Time for the final packing of coolers, bikes, and just about anything we might need and off to the Black Hills of South Dakota!! The inventory of stuff is absolutely everything you need for camping....without the tent...  Our first night will be in the Badlands national park, the next 7 at Rafter J Bar a cabin. 

Travels by our entourage across the state of SD went without incident. YEAH! Sadly, the person who envisioned this trip and have been planning it for a couple of years, was not able to be a part of the adventure. Our most sincere condolences to Carol and her family for the loss of their father.  As a result, this Mickelson Trail ride will happen again sometime in the future .... So all you readers, suit up!

Arriving in the badlands was like jumping into an oven.  They say it is a dry heat... Ya right, it's still hot...
Never experienced ice melting that a the covered bed of the truck... Could have cooked dinner on the pavement...

Then the wind picked up.. At about 1:30 a.m.  Those of us in the hotel room had no idea what was going on. Not so for our pals in their RVs. It was a rocking time had by them that night!! Without the fun...

Here is some look sees of the badlands. 

Bighorn sheep

The traveling troupe

Prairie dogs, everywhere, teeming acres of prairie dogs...


Pronghorn antelope 

Tomorrow, more adventure... Stay tuned