Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wild Wild West Adventure episode 6

We did it! Alice and I rode every one of the 109 miles of the George Mickelson Trail. This was a memorable experience. Although, would have to say, that last 4 miles through the open hills of sage brush, was a tiny bit of forever...  The trail offered at every moment a sense of discovery.  So remote at times, full of wildlife, canyons, multitude of ecosystems, from high mountain forests to prairies, truly an experience to involve all the senses.  Oh yes, a bit of resolve through the miles of climbs rewarded by the joy of coasting even farther.  The trail surface required vigilance. A lax moment and a wrong placement of a tire could buck you right off the trail. If you have a notion to experience this trail, it comes with high recommendations. 

Not many pictures from the trail, busy hanging on to handle bars ... :D.  We do have some of our home for 7 days, Hot Springs, and Crazy Horse monument.   Enjoy!

Mile post zero!

Our new home...

Tomorrow more exploration!  Be sure to read on.  Cheers! 

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