Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Wild Wild West Adventure episode 3

Mickelson Trail! 109 miles through the Black Hills. Day 1 on the trail

Alice and I set off to ride the first half of this amazing trail.  Many revelations were not long in setting in. Basically there are 2 directions -- either up or down. Climbing at an average of 7 mph up or 17 mph down. Who knew a 3% grade could make that much difference!!  Unbelievable. The up grade goes on for miles!  Out of Deadwood, it is a climb for 15 miles right out of the starting gate. The views from the top of that hill are quite spectacular. 

Then, the down grade....no pedaling necessary. Oh, that was the best!! At times hit 20 mph without even trying!   The RV campers chose to ride to a couple of some of the highlights of the trail. The timing could not have been better if we tried to arrange our meeting on the trail -- in the middle of nowhere. Just out of the most southern tunnel, there was the gang!  So fun to meet up with them!  All went well for all until Ronna, unfortunately, picked up something that punctured her tire ... Bummer.  Off to Eric's upon return to the twin cities. 

At mile 49 brought Alice & I into Hill City just in time to meet up with the biking RV campers. Of course we found one of the best "watering holes" for sustainance and some well deserved adult beverage. Oh my, did that taste good!  

Officially -- Alice and I rode 54 miles according to the Garmin -- average 9.9 mph, max 20.2 mph, 3809' ascent and 3180 descent. Just a minor warm up for some of our Minnetonka club riders.... :D

Tomorrow we climb Harney Peak. You must read about this! 

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