Saturday, October 8, 2016

S H F bike tours 🚴🏼 🇫🇷 day 21 - time to go home

Yesterday, we rode our last bike ride with our new friends from Australia. Wouldn't you know, just mastered the person to the correct name, and now time to say goodbye. This was a great tour group. They all were so much fun!

The last 45k bike ride took us along the canal, by lagoons, fields of quite a variety of crops, in and through small villages. Le Cailar, Marsaillargues, St Laurent, and a massive gate built in the 11th century controlling all entry and exit to the walled city of Aigues Mortes.  

Apple orchard

Nearly all of the bikers rode out to the beach while Brenda and I went into Ages Mortes and walked around the ramparts. Very cool. 

Aigues Mortes was teeming with activity and excitement. It is bull fight time! This is a huge woo haa. Like really big. Similar to nascar or NFL games.  We got out of town just in time ... Like about 15 minutes before the running of the bulls in and around the ramparts. Would have been interesting to see, but at this point in life, am rather an SMP ( slow moving person) not even good sport for the bull. Those horns are pretty sharp from what they say. Not really interested in getting up close and personal with a set...   On the opposite of the walled city from where we were moored, was the bull fighting ring. French bull fighting is significantly different from the Spanish. Here, for 3 hours, the men, dressed in white to reveal any blood ( of theirs ) is let, not the bull. There is a ribbon tied to the bull's head between the horns. The sport is to get that ribbon. One bull at a time is released and the Cowboys have only 15 minutes to get the ribbon. Sometimes a man wins, sometimes the bull.  This is a huge spectator sport. People come in with their own 3 tiered bleachers! Kinda like build your own stadium, or have stadium, will travel.... All personalized and very interesting.  

Adieu mes amis. Merci to you for traveling with us through these little writings. 
A bien tot...till we meet again 

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