Friday, November 18, 2016


Day 4 for us, day 1 for the 10 travelers to complete our travel group. 

We bade goodbye to Pahia and the bay of Islands, loaded up on the bus and bound for Auckland. The weather in New Zealand is anything but predictable. Note to self, even though the sky is blue when you leave the hotel, rain gear is nice to have. It's sunny, no it's rainy, oh there is the sun, here comes the rain.... 

Our route to the big city was a leisurely one along the coast.  A brief stop at a beautiful beach. Yes that is rain in the distance. 

Then on to a quaint historical little town of Puhoi. The pub is quite entertaining. Yummy food and of course, a cold beer. What is not to like!

Back to the big city of Auckland. There are 4 million residents of New Zealand, 1 million live here. Enjoy some views of this busy harbor city. 

Christmas comes early here too...

Tomorrow a Maori cultural experience and who knows where our feet will take us!

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