Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Jordan/Israel - episode 1

Welcome back virtual traveling pals! This new adventure, as Sherlock 🕵️‍♀️ would say, "is a foot". Navigating our way to Amman was truly a novel in and if itself. Given that, it makes perfect sense to see pics of us in Paris and Rome. Right? The proof is the attached pics.
Paris!?! May oui, yes, Paris! Despite what you hear, Charles de Gaul airport is not that huge or confusing. It is actually quite beyond daunting. Seems like it sits on more acreage than the city of Minneapolis. Much to our relief, successfully found the hotel that lies within one of the terminals, our room for the night, the train into city central, Norte Dame, the Louve, and a fabulous lunch. Whew, all on a few minutes of sleep.
Rome? Yes you did hear Rome. Makes perfect sense to be making a flight connection here... The intrepid 3 put our sleuthing skills on and successfully figured out this transfer....without a boarding pass! Will not tell you how many people we asked for help..... 😉.
Landed in Amman complete with a full set of luggage! Arrived to our hotel where we were united with our fellow travelers from the Twin Cities/MN and Virginia! You know there was at least 1 or 2 beers drained in celebration.
Tomorrow we explore this ancient but modern thriving city in the Middle East.

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