Saturday, June 28, 2014

Italy day 6 Rome!

Put on your walking shoes, here we go for our almost 10 hour tour!  Brenda arranged through her DMC a private tour for just our group. Worth every penny!  Readers of the blog who have attended the Minnesota state fair, think of the crowds, double it and add in several more languages. Although, there area a few dialects in our fair state....
The private group tour successfully got us to the front of few lines. Sure beat standing in a queue for hours.  Shuffled our way, literally, through the Vatican museum, Sistine chapel, and St. Peter's basilica. Absolutely amazing. 

Diana, goddess of the hunt.  This is for you DVD!

A moments rest, libations and sustainance  then off to the coliseum! 

It was really cool to be able to tour not only the 1st and street levels, but to be able to get down to the lower levels where they keep the animals and gladiators. I thought that was the coolest until we went up to the 3rd level. Amazing views!! 

Just when we thought our feet could take us no father, continued on to the roman forum.  Basically ruins dating back 2000 years. Pretty interesting.

We decided to pack it in early.... Be in our room by 9:00 as opposed to 11. :). A few of us went to an Irish bar... The only items on the menu that were Irish was a couple of the beers.  

Tomorrow, our last day in Rome then on to Florence !!


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