Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Italy! Days 1 & 2

It was quite the journey, we arrived to our first destination no worse for the wear. Just a bit sleep deprived.  My first attempt for your reading enjoyment went to the wrong blog... My apologies. That can happen when one is sleep deprived and have no idea there would be more than one blog to which your post would go... 

We have let no grass grow under our feet. :).  It has been non stop exploring and new experiences. Cinque terra is a group of 5 villages chiseled into the harshly steep rocky northern coast of Italy right on the Mediterranean Sea. The roads into these villages did not exist until a few decades ago. The two way thoroughfares are barely wide enough for one car. It is really best to just watch the scenery go by....   :).   The closest our airport transfer could get us was a couple hundred yards from our hotel entrance. A couple of ramps( which is really a street) and steps, we arrived in Manarola! and Hotel Marina Piccola!!

We have a beautiful view of the sea from our hotel window! 
The first order of business was, yup, of course an adult beverage and food.  We met out tour guide, Zara. She is going to have her hands full with this crew.... :D

You know you are in Italy when is takes longer to get and pay your bill than to eat...

Day 2    You know the expression, hit the ground running... Today was no exception. :D
We suited up with all our necessities for a 5 hour boat ride out of Monterosso (which required figuring out the public transportation systems...)   Well, even with the best laid plans, it is not a bad idea to have a "plan B". Our boat tour captain cancelled due to rough water. Rescheduled to an evening sunset cruise... And cancelled again.  Meanwhile, we trained it back to Manarola to ditch swimming gear and change to hiking shoes. With Zara in the lead, we caught the city bus up the hill and set out on our first hike. 

See the little outcropping on the shore... That is our destination, Corniglia. 2 hours later, we found the most refreshing mojitos! 

The views from up "the hill" were breathtaking!


We learned there are only 2 directions to go... Up or down.  :D

The train is by far the easiest way to traverse from one village to another. :). Thank goodness for a 3 day rail/bus pass!!   It was back to Monterosso for dinner and grappa & lemoncello tasting. YUM!  Another 11 p.m. evening. We will adjust to this time zone and leisurely dinning yet...

Stay tuned for more adventures!

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