Monday, June 30, 2014

Italy! Day 8. Most unique hotel check in drill

Today we arose to bid farewell to Roma. Off we go to Florence, stumbling, bumbling, and dragging the compliment of luggage up the street to the train station. A few of us walked, the others managed to squeeze on the bus. -- weenies. :D. The train was very nice. This time managed the city to city transfer without incident or drama. Sorry no interesting stories to tell there. 
THEN, our experience to get into our next set of accommodations. This baggage drill was like no other. Threading ourselves and multiple roller bags down the 2' sidewalks from the train station, full of people, it was a fairly short jaunt to what one would assume is the hotel. Lugged the bags and gear up to the 2nd floor ( what we we call 3rd floor) to the hotel lobby. There was an elevator ... If you packed in there just right, could fit maybe 4 people. Turns out, only one room out of 6 was to be in this building. Yup... Lugged all the luggage back down the multiple levels to the street, dashed across between cars etc, entered a different building, now up 5 sets of stairs ( floor 4 here). There is an elevator that could fit oh, about 2 people.  We have all the hotel rooms on this floor. (Big place) The bonus is there is a washing machine. There was quite the rush to use it. :D

After the mad dash to get clothes in the washer, off we go for the next very important task.. Food and libations. Of course, lots of shopping opportunities. 

Judit, our guide took us on a city walking tour of Florence.  Very differ from Roma. Quieter and more of a renaissance feel in the architecture.   The Duomo, statues, and lots of old stuff...

This is a copy, we see the real David tomorrow.

A bit of newer more contemporary art... Sometimes strange things come out of artists minds...

No enter street sign... Hilarious

Judit took us to a for real wine bar....self serve! What is not to like!! The off to dinner. The food was awesome and we had a blast. Chaos reigned through the whole dinning experience. 

Duomo at night.  In the morning, we climb the bell tower! 
Every day is an adventure!

Tomorrow more of Florence!!  Picnic on the hill at sunset. A little sandwich, a little wine, and lots of fun. 
