Saturday, July 12, 2014

Was Italy, now Greece, back to Italy. Days 19&20

Ah, a day at sea and time to relax. No time schedule as to when to get up or be anywhere.  It was interesting as to how slow but surprisingly fast the day went. 

The evening closed on us in a cacaphony of giggles over the most unsuspecting thoughts, concepts, and nouns. Like, kumquat, Wilson, texting (or a dirivitive thereof...).  We finally settled on composing the "unofficial blog" and a final bucket of beer. Which remains to be determined as to if or how it might be shared...  Cheers to all and to all a good night. 

Back to Venice. The ship was tugged in as it was tugged out. Right through town. That was really cool. 

Today, day 20, we awake to start the final stretch of baggage drills. Exiting the ship was quite easy, our luggage was right there in terminal.  Then, it got fun... Or not ....  Literally hoards, like thousands of people disembarking from a number of ships jammed into the water taxi and public transfer boats. It was quite the mess and lack of any organization. Perseverance prevailed and we managed to wedge ourselves onto the public transfer boat, luggage and all to our hotel.  If that was not enough fun,... The Hilton lobby was no less insane that the wharf. Ultimately, we all obtained wifi access, a room, and a free shuttle to the other side of the canal and Saint mark plaza. 

The Hilton Stucky Molino. Very nice. Very pricy, BJ finagled a deal for us. 

After somewhat getting checked in, off a few of us went back to San Marco square...bad idea. The tide was in. 

BJ and I went back to the Stucky and walked around that island. Found the best deal ever for some Italian beer. Yum!  

 Admittedly, we all are getting a bit travel weary. Enjoying every minute but ready to be home with our fur and none fur friends.  All in all, we have gotten along famously. A great set of travel companions. 

Thank you for traveling along with us!! What an adventure this had been. So glad to share it with you. 

Was Italy, now Greece. Day 18 katakolon - Olympia

Our 4th and final port of call. Also our last private tour.  We were promptly meet by Nichols and 2 other drivers that whisked us away mercifully ahead of the masses. It is about a 35 minute drive in our 3 little taxis but well worth it.  For the most part, were able to enter and wander the ruins of the very first Olympic village with very few people to contend for space. 

Temple of Zeus, what is left of it. 

Then, the flood gates gave way. Hoards and hoards of people wafted their way in. Our taxi drivers allotted us an hour and a half to experience/explore the ruins and a museum.... They had no idea of a portion of our group's speed at perusing historical stuff. Finally after 2 hours, our more leisurely explorers showed up and had not even stepped into the museum.  

Museum photos 

As a result, we modified our plans to skip the winery and went straight to lunch. The food was outstanding.  One of the best yet and the prices were most reasonable.  What is not to like about a $3 tankard of beer.!!!

Our last vestiges of power shopping and back to the ship we went. 
A couple of new forms of entertainment... At least to us.  Sitting our our verandas, mowing through buckets of beer and cheering in the last few passengers on to the ship. It is quite entertaining spurring them into a run or for some, stumbling their way to the gang plank. It must have caught on, yesterday nearly our whole deck had joined in on the fun. 
If that was not hilarious enough, somehow, between Kathy and Celeste, a contest started as who could keep their foot in the beer bucket of ice the longest. Trills of giggles and laughter reigned as they challenged each other .... Over and over. Carol jumped in as a late contestant to which I think she took the prize for the longest soak. Oh, we are so easily entertained.....

Off to chowing our way through the buffet, drinks with friends of Dorothy then wedge ourselves into the stage show. Which was pretty good. An abstract dance choreography and costumes involving a mixture of jazz, ballet and a magician. A bit of cirque du soleil sprinkled in. All in all, very entertaining. 

Tomorrow our last day is at sea. Rest, pack eat and sleep. 
For the day after, we begin our journey home. 

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Was Italy, now Greece. Day 17 Mykonos

LAnother day, another island in the enchanting land of Greece.  
We docked at 8:00 am and met our next tour guide.  After a shuttle from the "new pier" to old town we met our guide and off we went to walk the narrow streets. Absolutely fascinating and very beautiful. Here, all the structures are white but more than just the blue accent colors. We are in a very old land rich with history and a thriving tourist destination.  

Here there are not the steep cliffs as Santorini. The island is certainly not devoid of elevation. Dotted amongst the landscape are the clusters of white structures.  Very pretty little boroughs. We visited a monastery and then off to the beach. My goodness, there is some "scenery".  Oh my oh my...

The afternoon was spent at the beach. Ah, the art of relaxation.  The scenery was not bad either ... Oh, yeah the water was quite cool and most inviting. 

Back to the ship we hung over our railings to cheer the last few passengers as they boarded. A couple we really quite drunk and another couple who nearly were left behind.  

Off we sailed to our next port of call. 


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Was Italy, now Greece Day 16 Santorini

Santorini !!!  We were thrilled with Corfu, this island seemed to pale in comparison. 

We started out the day relaxing and doing anything or nothing. We did not anchor until 1:30 in the afternoon.  Carol took one for the team by standing in line for over an hour to get us all tender tickets required to get Us off the ship. We scored tender #2. Outstanding !  Thank you Carol!

The sheer cliffs contrasted against the white structured clinging to solid ground are an amazing contrast. We met our tour guide and off we whisked to explore the island. He took us to spectacular over looks and the signature locations to get our award winning photo shots. 

Of course we had to sample the local brew --- crazy donkey. It was a split decision as to what was the favorite... Yellow or red. Personally, the red is the winner in my opinion. :)

We had lots of time to shop... Which we did.... And a couple of beers. What is not to like!
Our guide took us to a winery for a tasting, which was excellent! Off to a black sand beach, very cool. Them back to Fira for last minute shopping, cable car down to the dock and tender back to the ship. 

Cable car is not your only option to get up or down the cliff... You can walk/climb or ride a donkey.  What a hoot. Lots and lots and lots and lots of donkeys. Julie and I choose to walk down.  After about 6-7 switch backs, I continually peered over the side to see, "are we making any progress?!?!  All the meanwhile dodging donkeys and a serious amount of donkey doo doo. I mean a serious amount... Some fresh....   Took me back to my days of mucking stalls... 

Back on board by 9:00 p.m. We jumped into the fracas in the Greek buffet with a couple thousand people... Mostly kids. Was a ton of fun..... 

Tomorrow, Mikanos!

Was Italy, now Greece. Day 15 Corfu

Our feet landed on solid soil today for the first time in almost 2 days.  Simultaneously, this is our first time on Greek soil. Corfu is absolutely beautiful. To all of our delight, 4 jeeps awaited us to whisk us away to explore the island.

 Many had the opportunity to drive which involved threading our way down some quite narrow pathways. Seem more like pathways as opposed to avenues.  :)

Much to our delight, had the opportunity to introduce our palates to ginger beer, kumquat liquor and of course, ouzo. YUM!  Even Jackie had a bottle of the ginger beer. 

The views of the island were stunningly spectacular.  
A great time was had by all.  Only a 2 pill day for Ronna... :D

The mountain ridge in the hazy distance is Albania. Who knew?!?!

Back to the ship and Asian sushi etc for dinner. 

Tomorrow Santorini. 

Italy day 13&14

Well today, not like many others, involved a baggage drill. One would think we would have the routine down quite well. This was a bit different since it involved two trains and a water taxi. 

Our hotel, hotel Gabriel is in a most excellent location if you are interested in delving into the hoards of visitors to this most fascinating city. We were a very short walk from venice's famous landmarks, San Marco plaza, church and bell tower. There is about 2 million tourists that swell in and out daily ... Just like the tide but a bit more daunting. 
Back to the hotel. Whilst the location was great, the rooms were a bit cozy. Some had sinks in the bathroom....some did not. The width of the room was not enough to accommodate anything but maybe 2 twin beds... And not evenly spaced. It was a very very old structure. ;)

We stowed bags with the porter...actually stuffed them into a corner of the internet and meeting room. Off we went for our last venture out into the ancient city. Not to be deterred by the waved of people piling into the streets by boat after boat ...  Speaking of boats, we had the delight of a gondola ride by a genuine gondolier. It was an entrancing stroll down the water streets...mostly going the wrong way on the one ways.  

We accomplished our list of needs, money, food, gondola ride, t shirts, toilette, and beverage, returned to our hotel in time to catch our water taxi. We bid a fond farewell to Judit and scooted off to our next adventure.  
It was not long when we were through the boarding process, put our packs in our cabins, and off for food and beverage. We cannot tell you how much we appreciate such easy access to water and bathrooms!  

Day 14 

Day at sea. It was absolute heavenly to sleep in and just hang out. We managed to wedge ourselves into a corner of the adult pool. The buckets of beer flowed along with the smiles on our faces.  Ah, the simple joys in life....
Tomorrow Corfu !  

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Italy! Day 12 trains planes and automobiles...

Today we journeyed to Venice ... Via a number of modes of transportation. On and off from van, to bus to train to train to a boat taxi. All the while hauling the whole raft of luggage we have amassed. Then there is the vigilance for pickpocketers .... We have come through unscathed, and hope to keep it so. 

Thanks to our guide, Judit and Christian who has joined us, at least until the soccer world cup game starts... We successfully arrived to our hotel which is right on the grand canal and a short walk to San Marco square. 

Bridge of sighs. 

Rialto bridge over the grand canal

In front of our hotel just before retiring for the night. 

Tomorrow we board the Jade -- seven night cruise with NCL of the Greek isles. We stop at Corfu, Mikanis, Santorini, and Olympus.  It is not likely we will have wifi on board... At least not for a reasonable price... But one never know.

Thank you for you interest in our little adventure. 


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Italy! Day 11. Wandering aimlessly.

For those of you who do not read Italian ... Attention ferocious cats 

Finished off the day with a wine tasting.  We had been more that tasting prior to this .... 

We bid arrividercci to San gimignano and head out to Venice tomorrow. One night and all aboard for the Greek isles. 
