Saturday, July 12, 2014

Was Italy, now Greece. Day 18 katakolon - Olympia

Our 4th and final port of call. Also our last private tour.  We were promptly meet by Nichols and 2 other drivers that whisked us away mercifully ahead of the masses. It is about a 35 minute drive in our 3 little taxis but well worth it.  For the most part, were able to enter and wander the ruins of the very first Olympic village with very few people to contend for space. 

Temple of Zeus, what is left of it. 

Then, the flood gates gave way. Hoards and hoards of people wafted their way in. Our taxi drivers allotted us an hour and a half to experience/explore the ruins and a museum.... They had no idea of a portion of our group's speed at perusing historical stuff. Finally after 2 hours, our more leisurely explorers showed up and had not even stepped into the museum.  

Museum photos 

As a result, we modified our plans to skip the winery and went straight to lunch. The food was outstanding.  One of the best yet and the prices were most reasonable.  What is not to like about a $3 tankard of beer.!!!

Our last vestiges of power shopping and back to the ship we went. 
A couple of new forms of entertainment... At least to us.  Sitting our our verandas, mowing through buckets of beer and cheering in the last few passengers on to the ship. It is quite entertaining spurring them into a run or for some, stumbling their way to the gang plank. It must have caught on, yesterday nearly our whole deck had joined in on the fun. 
If that was not hilarious enough, somehow, between Kathy and Celeste, a contest started as who could keep their foot in the beer bucket of ice the longest. Trills of giggles and laughter reigned as they challenged each other .... Over and over. Carol jumped in as a late contestant to which I think she took the prize for the longest soak. Oh, we are so easily entertained.....

Off to chowing our way through the buffet, drinks with friends of Dorothy then wedge ourselves into the stage show. Which was pretty good. An abstract dance choreography and costumes involving a mixture of jazz, ballet and a magician. A bit of cirque du soleil sprinkled in. All in all, very entertaining. 

Tomorrow our last day is at sea. Rest, pack eat and sleep. 
For the day after, we begin our journey home. 

Sent from my iPad

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