Saturday, July 12, 2014

Was Italy, now Greece, back to Italy. Days 19&20

Ah, a day at sea and time to relax. No time schedule as to when to get up or be anywhere.  It was interesting as to how slow but surprisingly fast the day went. 

The evening closed on us in a cacaphony of giggles over the most unsuspecting thoughts, concepts, and nouns. Like, kumquat, Wilson, texting (or a dirivitive thereof...).  We finally settled on composing the "unofficial blog" and a final bucket of beer. Which remains to be determined as to if or how it might be shared...  Cheers to all and to all a good night. 

Back to Venice. The ship was tugged in as it was tugged out. Right through town. That was really cool. 

Today, day 20, we awake to start the final stretch of baggage drills. Exiting the ship was quite easy, our luggage was right there in terminal.  Then, it got fun... Or not ....  Literally hoards, like thousands of people disembarking from a number of ships jammed into the water taxi and public transfer boats. It was quite the mess and lack of any organization. Perseverance prevailed and we managed to wedge ourselves onto the public transfer boat, luggage and all to our hotel.  If that was not enough fun,... The Hilton lobby was no less insane that the wharf. Ultimately, we all obtained wifi access, a room, and a free shuttle to the other side of the canal and Saint mark plaza. 

The Hilton Stucky Molino. Very nice. Very pricy, BJ finagled a deal for us. 

After somewhat getting checked in, off a few of us went back to San Marco square...bad idea. The tide was in. 

BJ and I went back to the Stucky and walked around that island. Found the best deal ever for some Italian beer. Yum!  

 Admittedly, we all are getting a bit travel weary. Enjoying every minute but ready to be home with our fur and none fur friends.  All in all, we have gotten along famously. A great set of travel companions. 

Thank you for traveling along with us!! What an adventure this had been. So glad to share it with you. 

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