Saturday, September 27, 2014

Czech Republic now Austria. Final chapter

One never knows what one may stumble into, especially when you are not in the country of your origin. After successfully going in nearly a complete circle, Alice and I found out way to Prater. Basically is it is a Valleyfaire without the entrance fee. One would think that after 48 hours in a city, we would have had a better sense of direction.  Thank goodness for the river Danube. One landmark that is never changing.... :)

Our successful navigation to this wonderland of sorts brought us to our first order of business. Ride the 100+ year old Ferris wheel - wiener riesenrad. Very fun!  Much worth the 9 €. We even anted up for the 9€ photo.  The views were really cool of the Vienna city below. After the wheel ride, we walked by a few rides and were thankful to NOT be on them. Whew.  On a swing chair about 3x higher than the needle at the Minnesota state fair, eeeek!!! 

On our way through the neighboring park, we had the good fortune to wander into a little celebration. It was a collaboration of 3 bands and folk dancer troup. Very cool!  This was certainly one of the many trip highlights. 

On to our daily imbibing, and snug in for the evening, for tomorrow we traverse back to Norse land of Minnesota.  With any luck, all flights will be flying tomorrow. 

Enjoy your last glimpses of the wonder of Austria. 

There really are people in those swings up there!!!

Thank you for traveling with us!!  
'Till next time.....

Friday, September 26, 2014

Czech Republic now Austria and more chapter 10

... Little by little, we are successfully acclimating back to busy city surroundings.  Certainly a very difference pace from the unesco world heritage villages along the Danube.  

... And then there were two.  Mark and Marcia are on their way back to the twin cities. Alice and I set out to explore some of the treasures here in Vienna. It is a plus when a WC can be found... :)

We scored primo seats for the 2 hour practice session of the Lippizaner horses and riders. Beautiful animals and amazing riding skills. Sneaked a few unauthorized photos for you.  Then off on the underground for the Schonbrunn Palace. The summer home of Austria's royalty. Yea, some little shack on the edge of town. The opulence was absolutely mind boggling.   Had a beer on the veranda and back to the underground, a bite to eat and sack out for the night. 

Enjoy a few visuals of today's adventure.   

Lobby of the opera house

The schonbrunn palace ... Would have interior shots... But probably would have lost my camera... Sucked it up and bought a few postcards...

The little understated veranda...

The daily double !!!

Tomorrow our last day of exploring Vienna. One never knows where we will explore....

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Czech Republic now Austria and more chapter 9

Whew!  Today was quite a day. Packed and loaded up and off we all went to Vienna. It was a bit of an adjustment having spent the last 5 days in quaint villages and now in a bustling city. Quite a different pace of life for sure!  

Our very patient tour guide met us at our hotel and off we went for a 2 hour stroll through the inner ring of Vienna. Far be that we have a day with out some activity.... :D. 

Having been included in a number of tour groups, this troop of VBT travelers was one of the best. Each and everyone was a joy to travel with from the onset of the tour. Today we say goodbye and wish the very best and safe travels to all. 

Enjoy a few glimpses of Vienna. A city with a wealth of history.  


Lippizaner cast member

There are nearly as many bikers as walkers... Who knew?!??

The mtka bikers in Vienna !

St Stevens cathedral 

Oh look, another Minnesotan has joined us... The miracle of wifi!

Our daily staple...

Two more days of Vienna then homeward bound. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Czech Republic now Austria and more chapter 8

 It does not seem possible, today is our 6th and last day of biking. What a absolutely beautiful days of biking through the forests, along the rivers and through quaint villages. A fabulous time had by all. 

We rode from Wasserkirchen to Melk. Crossed the river and back up to Dursheim and back to Wasserkirchen. Fabulous 60k little bike ride.  We visited a Benedictine Abby in Melk. Incredible.  

Enjoy some of today's visual rememberances....

But of course, fuel for the return trip up river ...

The biking is concluded, but the adventure is not. Tomorrow... Vienna!!! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Czech Republic was Germany now Austria and more chapter 8

What are the odds?!?!  Could there be 3 days in a row of stellar outstanding biking? Why, yes there can!  

We spent our entire day along the Danube river. First a boat ride then on two wheels. Total fun day!! It was a bit down hill and a tail wind!! We beat all the odds for sure!  

Mark,  Alice and Marica 

Lunch stop...  Are you surprised?

Tomorrow our last day of biking.  :(
Then on to Vienna !