Sunday, September 21, 2014

Czech Republic now Germany and more. Chapter 6

The day began at the break of dawn with a last stroll around Cesky Krumlov. The streets were quiet. No bustle of tourists or tour groups. Only a few local people walking their dogs or making their way to work. It was blissfully peaceful walking the park grounds on the back side of the castle, far from the hubbub of this most popular destination.  
We bid farewell to Hotel Ruze and boarded the bus for our next two wheeling adventure. 

... Words just seem inadquate to describe the splendor that surrounded us on today's bike route. Despite the rain and chill in the air, which we barely noticed, all the bikers marveled at the absolute beauty on our way through the forests, crossing the border into Germany, and making our way close to Passau.  So much recent history occurred here. This is where the iron curtain came down paricitioning Czech Republic from West Germany. Many people attempted to escape through these woods, some successful, some not. 

We trudged our way up and over the continental divide. Yup, who knew there is more than one!!!  What was so sweet is after reaching the apex, it was like riding an electric assist bike coasting for miles down the other side.   Wheeeeeeee sweet !!!   

Lunch at a local tavern certainly hit the spot, not to mention our first foray into German beer... After all, it was after 12 noon.... 

Here are some moments the camera caught for you.  Enjoy...

Tomorrow a short 20 mile loop into Austria. Then back to Passau for power shopping. Yeah!!

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