Sunday, September 18, 2016

S H F bike tours 🚲 day 2

Whew, my aching feet ...

Last night, we had the opportunity to howl at the full moon. Very cool. 

Also found a bit of a riff raff clowning with a local bronze sewer sculpture proported to be the only one coming out of a sewer drain....

Woke up to our second and last full day in Bratislava.  What to do, what to do.... Did not take us long to completely fill the day. After a bountiful breakfast, off we went to St Michael's gate. Bratislava was a walled city. There were originally 4 gates. St Michaels is the only survivor. It is a tower, so of course, we had to climb up as far as we could go. Not that we were sucking a bit of air over the 51 meter climb....along the way, appreciated the exhibits in the arms and armor museum. Boy, times were a bit different a few centuries ago,,,,

Hey, look over there, the Bratislava Castle! Let's go!  

So off we went to climb up to the castle. Again rewarded by amazing views of this ancient and baroque city. It struck us then, we need to reward ourselves by quenching our thirst. Yum -- the first beer of the day. 

 As a result of looking over the city, oh, there is a monument in the distance. Let's go!  Knowing but really no clue of the drop and elevation climb required to get to Slavin - a memorial to the Soviet soldiers who fell in April 1945 through the successful efforts to free Slovakia. There are 6,845 buried in 6 mass graves and 278 individual graves. On the climb up to this summit, it was cascading in my head....who's idea was this???  Once again, we were rewarded by amazin views of this fascinating city. Do we see any other summits to climb ... Alas no, our full bladders took precident.

A banner successful day!! The 3 of us climbed nearly everything climbable entity in the 2 days alloted. Then, to be delighted by uniting our Minnesota travel group!! All 5 of the bike club are now assembled, ready for adventure.  So many interesting conversations .... And pics...

Grasselkovich palace or aka Presidental palace. 

Much more to come! The adventure has JUST begun!  Stay tuned ! Your interest in appreciated!

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