Tuesday, September 20, 2016

S H F bike tours 🚴 day 4

Well, wasn't this a day to remember....

Here is a pic of our accommodations for 2 nights.


Hoping the body can recover enough to do it again tomorrow and the day after and the day after.....  Had to been wind gusts up to 30 mph, not exactly helping you ride down the road either.  Managed to keep up with the Minnesotans plus one from Pennsylvanian. We earnestly headed out into the wind riding on roads and trails. One of the trails actually had a number and signage. Which is a HUGE help. It wove us up and down through vineyards and forests. Through quiet quaint Burroughs.  Eventually ending up at our lunch stop. But not before the "fast" group stopped for a local libation on our way to the park. 

Our lunch location was on the boarder of Hungary and Austria. So much happened right on this spot. You all remember the Iron Curtain, GDR and the soviet rule of Eastern Europe.  Hungary fell behind that iron curtain to be subject to the soviet rule. It was during the  second half of the 1980's, the soviets were not able to keep up with the western technology. It became more difficult to for them to hang on to its satillite nations. Subsequently led to the collapse of the system of state socialism. Where we stood today and had our lunch was one of the easiest crossings from Hungary to Austria. May of 1989, rumors spread there was a simple crossing out of Hungary to the western world through Austria. Illegal border crossings were still to be stopped and often times the order was given to shoot.  August 19, 1989 at 3:00 p.m., the Hungarians could wait no longer. Paneuropai piknic in Sopron was the name of the event that took place.  Thousands of people assembled and broke through the border gates. The border guards did not open fire.  The beginnings of the Iron Curtain to come down. One of the many notable events happened right here.  Two months later, the Berlin Wall was taken down. 

Notice in this picture the change in color of the pavement, this is the boarder. The white van is the police, poised to search vehicles from both directions for refugees. 

A restored replica of the iron curtain. 

A sculpture depicting the years of oppression and people emerging after the fall of soviet control. Notice the remaining guard tower in the distance. 

On our bikes and off we went to the city of Sopron. Steeped in history dating back to the Romans and possibly older.... We hung out there enjoying some of the achitecture and old roman ruins. 

Luck was at our backs along with the winds. Another 25k back to our hotel, a hot shower and off to dinner. Lots of interesting conversation throughout the day.

Wish me luck, can make it through 4 more days.... 


  1. Love these write-ups, and the pictures. I know when I traveled through the Eastern countries, I learned so much, and began to appreciate what I had so much more. Paris will be like a vacation.
