Monday, November 23, 2015

Ecuador Galapagos #18 on our way home

Just when we thought we would be sitting around to past the time, our most excellent guide, Enrique, found interesting discoveries. We visited an arist's home to talk to home and watch him work. He has virtually no use of his arms. He is an amazing and talented artist who uses his mouth to direct the paint brush. Enrapting... Just when you think you have it hard...
Then off to walk Tomebamba ancient Inca ruins and a history museum. More pictures of wildlife! Woo hoo!! 
Off to the airport to begin our journey home. A flight from Cuenca to Quito to overnight and the final farewell dinner. Today we visit the center of the earth, the equator, on our way to the airport for our midnight departure. 

Ecuador is quite an interesting part of the world. One well worth experiencing. This tour was actually 3 different trips -- the Amazon River basin, the Galápagos Islands, and the highlands of the Andes. All very different. It was probably one of the more challenging trips to select items to pack -- swimsuits & snorkel gear to the chilly nights in the Andes to the sweltering heat & humidity of the jungle. Now to figure out how to get all the treasures purchased into the suitcase...
It was a memorable trip, one not to be forgotten soon. To top it off, we had a great travel group and two of the best guides I have experienced to date. A sincere thank you to Juan and Enrique!

Here are some parting shots...

Hope you enjoyed the trip! Thank you for traveling with us!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Ecuador Galapagos #17

Did you know Ecuadoreans do not observe daylight savings? It is 12 hours of daylight all year round.... They live on the equator. Thus the name Ecuador. It is all very logical. 
Another interesting fact, the temperature does not vary. It might be s little colder in June and July but otherwise, the temps only vary by altitude not time of year. For us Minnesotans, where is the challenge? ... :D

Each day of this tour begins with the thought,... there will not be enough interesting activity to write on this blog,... Well that certainly has not been the case.  Here are some of today's experiences...

3 hour hike around a lake in the Cajas national park ... At 10,000+ feet elevation

Ecuadorean Coot.  We all know a few old coots...

Quite skidish wild horses

The original Inca trail is on the right. 

Went to a rainbow trout farm / resort for lunch.  Like catching fish in a barrel...

Tomorrow we explore a bit then catch flight back to Quito for the 4th and final time. The last 2 days in Ecuador are approaching. We have a 1 a.m. flight (eeeuu) Monday night or rather quite early Tuesday morning. The good thing is only a 1 hour time change!! 

In the event this is the last entry, thank you so much for traveling with me!!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Ecuador Galapagos #16

Did you know Ecuador is approximately the same size as the state of Colorado? Do now 😊🍻

Today we explore Cuenca, the 3rd largest city in Ecuador. Our hotel is a beautifully restored hacienda located right in old town, the UNESCO world heritage cite. Setting off on foot, we explored the town square and markets. No super markets for these Ecuadoreans!  It was quite interesting, full of sights, sounds, and smells. 

Our guide surprised us with double decker bus city tour.  That was really cool. Quite a different perspective from that upper deck of the bus. 

After a shopping opportunity, in true OAT fashion, we sped off out of town to visit an orchid farm, (probably will not be buying one of these to take home...) a number of stops through the day for more Ecuadorean skilled handicraft to enrich our shopping opportunities ...

Check out these visuals...

Traditional dress worn by Ecuadorean women. There are some variation to the hats from tribe to tribe. But basically, any color and any pattern and any number of layers works! 

Growing orchids .... Thousands of orchids...

This One actually smells like chocolate...milk chocolate ...

Our last stop at the Museo del la Makana. Our guide generously conducted a lottery to win two scarves...who da thot .....

Tomorrow we get some exercise, A hike in the national park and, probably, more shopping stops on way back into town... Tune in tomorrow to find out...

Ecuador Galapagos. #15

Today dawns with much excitement! This is the highlight of the post tour -- riding the Devil Nose Train!!
This railroad is an engineering feat like non other. It took 40 years and 3000 men to build. Completed in 1901 it connected Quito to Guayaquil ... 2800 meter drop in elevation. The most difficult section to built was the twelve meters involving a 500 meter drop in elevation skirting around the tip of what is called the Devils Nose. The drop is so sheer, it is impossible for a train to make this journey. That is until an engineer designed a switch back. This section has 2. The train goes forward to the end of the track and then backs to where the track switches to the lower rail.  Confused? Maybe the pictures will help make sense. 

Before our post trip highlight, in true OAT fashion, there are always interesting stops, and treasures to be potentially purchased.  Our first stop as to visit the city of Riobamba town square and its markets. No shopping opportunities there... 😉   

Post train ride, we headed for Cuenca, where we will spend 3 nights. But wait! There's a place to visit before we get to our hotel -- the genuine Panama hat factory. A few of the hats will be coming to the USA. ☺️ 

Here are some visual memories...

Note the 2 RR track lines just above the white train depot building. 

Tomorrow we visit an orchid farm, (probably will not be buying one of these to take home...) and must more Ecuadorean skilled handicraft to enrich our shopping opportunities ...
Read on !

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Ecuador Galapagos #14

Planes, trains (not yet, but soon), and automobiles with a dingy, boat and ferry thrown in to transfer us back to Quito for one night. We had our second of three farewell dinners. The first was our last night on the ship to say goodbye to the crew. Then last night, which was the end of the tour. Today we began the post extension ... Everyone in the tour is staying for it.  That means, after the 6 day post extension tour, we get yet another farewell dinner. Yum!

We left Quito, once again... For the 3rd time and headed south through the Andes. Many discoveries along the way. Here is your look see...

Hacienda La Cienega stop for coffee and tea. Built in 1666. Beautiful gardens and grounds. Of course, a shopping opportunity...

Traditional home in this little village

Next a visit to a flower farm. Roses are grown and distributed all over the world. Fascinating 

Home hosted lunch at Las cases del Perez. Aida Lopez is quite the accomplished artist. She shared her home with us. The art work was captivating. The food...outstanding !

Bulls grown for the competing in bull fights. 

Urbina ... The highest train station on the devil nose railway. Nearly 12000 feet elevation. Across the road and tracks was a museum for us to visit and, yup, shop. Ending with a piping hot toddy. Yum! 

Wouldn't ya know ... There are 54 active volcanos through the Andes mountains  in Ecuador. We not only drove near one, but two.  The one below is Cotopaxi.

This one is Tungurahua.  These two are actively erupting. The cloud column is ash. 

Town of Guano.

Tomorrow the Devil Nose Train as it traverses switch backs to descend into Cuenca.  Woo hoo . Hang on tomorrow for the wild ride!