Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ecuador Galapagos #3

Today was one chok full of discoveries (for those of you who have experienced an OAT tour, you know what I mean...)  the Amazon truly is like no other place in the world. We have been taught numerous names of birds, trees, plants, animals, insects, spiders, and much more ... Now remembering any of this is another story... 
It seems a bit cooler today. More than likely that feeling is totally born out of imagination or that we are acclimating to this intensely humid climate. Cold showers never felt so good! The affect lasts for about the length of time to get dressed, but al least get one layer of sweat off just in time to replace it with more. Cheers!

Today's discoveries ... Coca plantation, school visit, and home hosted lunch. Andrew Zimmer host of bazaar foods, I am not. Our meal was cooked over a wood fired while wrapped in banana leaves. Amazon catfish, assorted fruits, and skewers of big fat grubs. Yes, grubs. Amazon bacon.. Supposedly tastes like bacon. Not happening for this author... Janet did eat one, she can have mine. 

Siesta is always 1:00-4:00, seriously too hot to do anything. Then every day a nature hike at 4 before dinner. Today's hike, our guide opened a pod of lemon ants in a tree branch and people ate them... Again passed on this discovery. ;)

The most excellent discovery to date ! A night time canoe ride around a lake ( us MInnesotans would maybe call it a pond...) it was amazingly cool! Fireflies dotted the banks, various species of frogs regaled us with their night songs, and lots of other activity. Who had any idea what the source was, it was pitch dark. :)

Here are some visuals of the day...

Tiger heron

Yes, this a big fat juicy grubs. Yum...

A thorny spider

Tomorrow, we hike some more...

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