Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Ecuador Galapagos 1st entry

Quito Quito Quito !  Never heard of this charming colonial city and South America's oldest capital until a few months ago, now today walking its streets that date back to the 1500's. We explored the area that is the first UNESCO world heritage cite. Founded in December 6, 1534. Very interesting. 

But first! Our group had the distinct privilege to witness a performance by the Sinamune Diasabled Children's orchestra and dancers. They were quite adorable. It was fun to see some of the native dress and dances. 

Then off to San Francisco square, Independence Plaza and La Basilica Church. It took the Jesuits about 100 years to build the church.  We have visited a vast number of Catholic Churches, this one was hands down way over the top in terms of ornate everything every where. All of it gold, yup, gold. Incredible.  Managed to sneak a couple of pics below. Just like signs that say, bikers do not enter, no photos was only a suggestion.... 😆

Enjoy some scenes of this interguing part of the world...

Hanging out at the hardware store...


Cozy set up.... 😝

Tomorrow we depart for 3 nights into the Amazon ... No wifi, surprised? So, please check back in a few days to read about some tales of this portion of our adventure !!


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