Saturday, November 21, 2015

Ecuador Galapagos #17

Did you know Ecuadoreans do not observe daylight savings? It is 12 hours of daylight all year round.... They live on the equator. Thus the name Ecuador. It is all very logical. 
Another interesting fact, the temperature does not vary. It might be s little colder in June and July but otherwise, the temps only vary by altitude not time of year. For us Minnesotans, where is the challenge? ... :D

Each day of this tour begins with the thought,... there will not be enough interesting activity to write on this blog,... Well that certainly has not been the case.  Here are some of today's experiences...

3 hour hike around a lake in the Cajas national park ... At 10,000+ feet elevation

Ecuadorean Coot.  We all know a few old coots...

Quite skidish wild horses

The original Inca trail is on the right. 

Went to a rainbow trout farm / resort for lunch.  Like catching fish in a barrel...

Tomorrow we explore a bit then catch flight back to Quito for the 4th and final time. The last 2 days in Ecuador are approaching. We have a 1 a.m. flight (eeeuu) Monday night or rather quite early Tuesday morning. The good thing is only a 1 hour time change!! 

In the event this is the last entry, thank you so much for traveling with me!!

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