Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ecuador Galapagos #4

Our last full day in the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight. 🎶. 

The general consensus of our night boat ride last night was one of total awe. To give you somewhat of an idea..  Our lodge is located about a mile or so up a little river that flows into the Napo River. The Napo river is humongous. It ranks 8th in size of all the rivers that eventually flow into the Amazon River. This one dwarfs the Mississippi. Cannot imagine the size of the other 7. Anyway, this little River is your highway to the Yarina lodge. We all loaded up into the long boat to go about half way out to the Napo River, disembark, walk a short way to a what they call a lake (not sure if it would qualify as such in Minnesota standards). Then maneuver down an dock and into small canoes...In the pitch dark...With all sorts of creepy crawly stuff all around.... But it was really really cool!  Fireflies dotted the shore, birds calling all around, and absolute tranquility. 

Good thing for such a memerable experience, cause it stormed "cats and dogs" all night and past noon through today. Needless to say, our guide was scrambling to entertain us. Palm weaving, cocoa bean shelling and watching the staff struggle to right an over turned boat.  The River rose close to 5'-6' due to all the rain. That entertained us for a good portion of the morning. The overturned boat was easily 30 yards long, narrow and had 2 40hp motors attached. Amazing how they were able to not loose it and all the contents. Sorry no pics ... Due to the pouring rain did not have camera. 

The rain finally subsided and we did get back to lake in the daylight and our last jungle hike back to her lodge.  

Birds birds and more birds.  The pics are not the best due to the back lighting or lack of lighting. Enjoy!

There HAS to be a multiple of zillions of ants in these here parts ... Some will eat you ...EEEK 
The little shreds of leaves below are being carried by ants ... Cleverly named leaf cutter ants. 

Learning so much about this amazing part of the world. With any luck, will retain some of this new knowledge... :D

Tomorrow we say adios to Yarina. Boat back to Coca, plane back to Quito, and bus to our hotel ...

So much more to come !,

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