Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ecuador Galapagos #2

Rise and shine and back to the airport we go for a 45 minute flight over the Andes to Coca. The plane was squeaky brand new, not so for our next 2 modes of transportation ... See pics below. When one of our travel mates joked this was our bus, it was quite amusing that really was! 

The best part... Was a warm but much appreciated Pilsner opportunity while we prepared for the next leg in our journey to Yarina Lodge. 

Now we really feel like we are on the equator and the Amazon basin ... 90+ degrees and 2x's that in humidity. Electricity is in short supply 6-10 p.m. only. These clothes are bound to be quite ripe by Sunday...

To our entertainment, tribes of squirrel monkeys bound from tree to tree wondering what we were up to. So cute...  Not only are the mosquitos, ants and snakes are out to get you, add to the list tarantulas and more...

Our new mantra... Be the hunter, not the hunted...

More adventure tomorrow.  Keep reading!

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