Thursday, September 28, 2017

Day 11. Hop on, hop off

Our last day in Salzburg, we chose to take it a bit easy and ride the tour bus around this fascinating city. You hop on, and you can hop off. Easy peasy. At first we had the whole bus to ourselves so decided to make the most of it by riding the whole route before hopping off. The driver was a ton of fun and amazingly adept at maneuvering this beast of a bus through, around, over and about numerous obstacles. It was fun to see the expression on pedestrian's faces when realizing a huge vehicle was snugged up to their backside. That will serve them right to walk in the bus lane.... It was a nice day to see the city, check out any unturned stones and then gather with the remaining tour group for a last toast. Our first hop off spot was Hellbrunn Palace. Markus Sittikus, arch bishop built it in the 1700's. He had a bit of a sense of humor when it came to "tricky fountains". Ask for the stories when you see of us. Then on to meet with our fellow travelers, one last time. Of course there was beer involved. Just before our appointed time to meet, apparently a rather raucous crowd of soccer fans gathered. It was pandemonium. Police in riot gear, helicopter overhead, loud booms like a m-80 firecracker going off, beer and chards of glass everywhere in our favorite little beer garden. Guess there is passion here when it comes to soccer. So about the time our tour group appeared, the staff was busy cleaning up the debris. The timing was good to have been after the chaos. The last toast with our travel mates was fabulous. This has been one of the best groups! Safe travels to one and all. Tomorrow we begin our trek home. One more entry, so, be sure to log in to read the concluding day!

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