Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Day 9 Salzburg!

Another goodbye, hello start of the day. Good bye to guides, our hotel and off for a 2.5 hour drive to Salzburg! Love signs that can not only evoke a smile but out loud laughter. See the second photo, the sign is pointing to a Beauty Farm ?!? Hum.... wonder what grows there.... not to mention how the fruits of their labor is cultivated.... hum. On to Salzburg! Very interesting city. First stop was to the funicular to the fortress for fabulous views. Then up river to the Augustiner Brau house for, bet you can guess .... we had quite a raucous time. Sadly had to say good bye to Deb who is well on her way back home at the time of this writing. Tomorrow more exploring and discoveries. Do keep reading! Oh, last step report... our room is once again in the rafters (this has been the case in every hotel during this tour) of this structure built in 1407... only 65 steps. One down.... legs are getting in great shape!

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