Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Day 2. Ljubljana

What an interesting city nestled in the Alps of Slovenia! The day started with a 2.5 hour old city walking tour. Our guide was fabulous. Do I remember all the information....? Well, seems over night a bit of it leaked out. ;) Ear buds may help next time. What did stick is some of the history. In the museum they have artifacts dating back about 60,000 years old. It is a musical instrument made from bone and made/played by Neanderthals. More recent history is there is evidence of the romans building walls and cisterns from 100-300 ad. Visiting the city today in old town you will wander amongst buildings constructed in the 1700's, including our hotel. It is very nice and well maintained although taking a shower was a bit of a challenge....(more to that story...)
In the afternoon we scaled the hill, more like a small mountain, up to the castle that lords over the city. The fitness app on the phone only gave credit for 16k steps. Sure seemed a lot more than that. It did indicate we climbed 33 sets of stairs. That may give some indication of the change of elevation.
The first order of business after our descent was to find a local brew to quench our thirst. That did not take too long. We descended into the Captains lair for 2 for 1 cocktails. That was interesting.... afterwards off to a fabulous dinner. Most everyone had the Slovenian version of goulash. Yum!!

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