Friday, March 2, 2018

Israel episode 11

Bye bye Haifa, hello Golan Heights. We left the Mediterranean coast and headed inland to the sculpted steep hills to the flats of Golan Heights in the northeast corner of Israel Truly not far from Jordan and Syria. Hosting us for 2 nights will be Kfar Haruv, a kibbutz. Kfar Haruv was founded in 1973 by people from Western Europe and later many Americans. There about 400 residents in this communal-living collective. It was originally farming to support them which has expanded to a substantial dairy farming operation and a hydraulics manufacturing plant. We are nestled into little cabins that are very nice. Room amenities included fruit, crackers and wine. What is not to like!! Interesting to note this area prior to 1967 was one of contention between Syria and Israel. Syria controlled it until a six day battle erupted to which Israel was successful to claim it as its own by 1981. On our drive switchbacking our way up to the heights, the hillside was dotted with abandoned bunkers. There is a strip of land now fenced off where many land mines remain buried. It is best to heed the signs and not stroll into this area. The afternoon took us to Gamla Nature Reserve. The name comes from the Hebrew name for a camel. There are remains of a ancient fortress on a hill shaped like a camel's hump. The fortress was invaded by the Romans. Later the Byzantine people occupied this little city. Today you can walk through the ruins of civilizations of long ago. It is Friday night, time to celebrate Shabbat. We were invited to share the Shabbat meal with the kibbutz residents. Candles were lit, bread salted and wine drunk. It was very interesting and not to mention tasty. Yum. Before the meal, we oooed and aaaaahed while witnessing a spectacular sunset over the Sea of Galilee. Our cabins all face west and looking at the sea from the top of the cliff. Wow. So cool. Tomorrow we travel around the Sea of Galilee. Check back to find out more!

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