Thursday, March 1, 2018

Israel episode 9

Zefat, in Safed, who has heard of this Israeli city? Well, now you have. It is the highest in elevation at 900 meters in Galilee and Israel. This city was occupied during the time of the 2nd temple of Jerusalem and has been continuously occupied by various people since. It is an important city for the Jewish and the city of Kabbalah. We stopped into an art studio of a Kabbalah artist. He explained a few of his works. It was absolutely fascinating. Google Kabbalah to learn more. We walked through the market area to shop a bit and have a bite to eat. Eating adventure was to watch them make lahuhe - from the Labuan region/tribe. It was really quite tasty! A sort of pita cooked in a cast iron skillet with tomatoes, baby greens, 3 kind of cheese, and a little olive oil. Yum! We poked into a local synagogue. Above is a picture of the ark in which the Torah is kept. We left Safed, traveled by the Sea of Galilee on our way to Nazareth via Cana. You know, land of milk and honey ... My goodness, this is a bustling city. Toured the church of the annunciation. The story is this is where the angel Gabriel came to Mary to tell her she is with child, the holy chosen one. This was very interesting. A mass was in progress, we think it was in Italian. Could be just about any language. Nazareth 's population is 30% Christian and 70% Arab Muslim. We arrived into town about the time school let out. At least, if not more than 50% of the students had a cell phone in their hand. Interesting... Back to Haifa for dinner on our own. Off we walked to the German area for a meal. My goodness the beer tasted good!!!! Tomorrow, Akko and the Rosh HaNikra caves. Check back!

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