Monday, March 5, 2018

Israel - Jerusalem episode 14

Our first full day in this holy of holy Cities. It is difficult to even know where to begin. The walled old city occupies an area less than 1 square mile. This ancient enclave's history and its spiritual significance to the Christians, Jews and Muslims is immense. Due to the server issues between blogspot and apple, am unable to label each picture. Will try to list in order so you can figure out which is which. We started our day visiting the garden of Gethsemane, to the Sanctuary of agony next to it. We entered the old city through the Zion Gate which is riddled with damaged caused by a barrage of bullets. Walked through the streets coming out at the Wailing or also known as the West Wall. There is separate sections for men and women. We were able to touch the wall along with what we personally wanted to do. This wall is 1,600 feet in length. Only 230 feet is visible. The remainder is hidden when King Herod raised the landscape. After visiting the wall above ground, we went below to walk through the passageways and aqueduct. Coming up in the Muslim quarter. The old city is divided into, not equal in size, quarters - Muslim, Jewish, Armenian, and Christian. We strolled through parts of them all. Well, not exactly strolled, more like wedged our way through the hoards of people. We visited the location where Jesus was sentenced, given the crown of thorns, and the cross to carry. Then walked the same route as he did visiting nearly all of the 14 stations of the cross. There is a picture of my hand on the wall. This is said to be where Jesus stumbled and touch the wall. We walked by the location of Solomon's first and second temple before cramming our way into the church of the holy Sepulchre. Here is where it is believed Jesus died, was buried, and resurrected. Wow. So much history here through the thousands of years. The presence of the Romans, Byzantines, Mamluks, Ottomans, crusaders, and more into the current day. The old city of Jerusalem may be small in size but immeasurably huge to so many. The evening option was to go into the Night Spectacular with in the Tower of David. It was so cool!! We enjoyed the sound and light show on the archaeological remains showing us the story of Jerusalem. Fabulous. Tomorrow, visit s holocaust museum.

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