Sunday, March 4, 2018

Israel episode 12

This morning, sitting on the porch of our cabin and looking out over to the west back of the Sea of Galilee, reflecting on the beauty and its grandeur. Not easy to put into words. Initially when the realization dawned on us that we were to stay 2 nights in a kibbutz, we thought, oh we will get through it. Now, it is hard to leave. It could not have been more spectacular. Priceless view of this famous sea from our aerie roost. Breakfast delivered to our cabins in huge baskets. Enough to feed six people. Dusk rewarded us with spectacular sunsets, a cacophony of jackals howling, bats swirling about, and comfort of knowing there bomb shelters nearby. We say goodbye today as we head to Jerusalem. Enough about this morning, today's episode is reflection of yesterday visiting primarily locations important to the Christian faith. Loaded up on the bus and off to Capernaum, the village where Jesus lived, met Peter and John. Followed Jesus' trail to the church of the beatitudes, also where the sermon on the mount occurred. Continuing up the trail to Genosar where a 2000 year old fishing boat was discovered and preserved. It was typical from Jesus's time. Where we got on a real boat to sail on the Sea of Galilee. Way cool! Next stop, baptismal site on the river Jordan. John performed baptisms here. Of which they continue to happen today. People come from all over the world to immerse in this river. Lunch was on the shore of the Sea of Galilee in the village of Tiberias. Yummy! Afterwards, completed our circumnavigation of the Sea returning to our cabins. One could never get tired of this breathtaking view. In between the site visits, there were shopping opportunities. We picked up a few provisions (beer & wine) to supplement the breakfast leftovers for an evening picnic. Regaling each other with either true or false stories. It was quite interesting to learn more about our fellow travel mates. Coming up, 5 days in Jerusalem!

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