Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Israel Jerusalem Bethlehem episode 16

It was a morning of exploration and afternoon optional tour - Bethlehem. The day started out poking into the City of David. The archaeological discoveries here shed some light on the establishment of Israel under King David in 1004 BCE. We watched a really cool 3D movie of the City of David and the construction of the Herodian Temple Mount through the centuries. From here we walked over to the base of Temple Mound to the steps us to the south wall and the outside of the west wall. The foundation stones are massive. About 20' long x 6' deep x 4' high. How did they do that?!? Next stop, the Museum of Israel. Here is a scale model of the city of Jerusalem 2000 years ago when the walls protected a 445 acres including the City of David, Temple Mount, and much more. This is about the time of Jesus. Woofed down a little bit for lunch and off to Bethlehem. Was interesting to get into and out of the city. It is like you are crossing the boarder into another country. Something to do with Area C and the Palestinians. We will learn more about this tomorrow. We picked up our Bethlehem guide and off we went to the Shepherds Fields. There is a chapel, a cave and fields. Then up to the Church of the Nativity built over a grotto/cave where some believe is where Mary gave birth to Jesus. Based on life as is was 2000 years ago, this would have happened in a cave, not a stable. The hoards of people jamming into this cave to touch the star on the spot where the birth occurred and the niche where he was swaddled was more then sufficient to bring out a bit of claustrophobia. Of course all tours end in a gift shop. This was no different. What is interesting, Bethlehem was 67% Christian 30 years ago, today, about 19%. The majority inhabitants are now Muslim. Serious traffic jamming to thread our bus to the gift shop and back out of the city. Took and hour to get through boarder check point and the 5 miles back to our hotel. Happy hour time!! Surprised? Much to our delight, found an Irish sort of pub right on the corner where our bus emptied. Yum yum beer and schnitzel! Tomorrow, learn more about the Palestinians, modern city tour and an afternoon on our own for the last day in Jerusalem.

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