Saturday, August 18, 2018

Australia- Melbourne episode 7

Our last day in Melbourne was untethered until late afternoon. The weather was a bit bipolar on us — sunshine, rain...sunshine, hail...sunshine, rain and so on and so on... Brenda, our new friend Donna and I set out for a walk around city central. After a few extra blocks, we found the library and Chinatown. That was the pre-walk. Candace joined us to explore the Melbourne Museum. Quite fascinating and most popular on a rainy Sunday. Children everywhere! Perusing our way through this massive collection of exhibits, it was discovered that our "tanks" were empty and needed f&b. After much discussion, wandering around a few blocks, and asking directions we found a fabulous pub/taproom with excellent pub food. Yum! James Squires brewery. Oh yea, the beer was pretty good too. Tonight dinner on the coast and tomorrow we fly to Adelaide. The adventure is just beginning...

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