Thursday, August 16, 2018

Tasmania Australia episode 5. Wildlife of this part of the world

Today we walked through City Park to view en exhibit of Macaque Monkeys (not native, from SE Asia). Then on to the Cataract Gorge and a flock of peacocks. Bused our way out of town to Australia's only platypus and echidna House, ending up at the Queen Victoria Museum where the carefully preserved collection of native wildlife stood very still for us. What a fascinating part of the world that has totally unique flora and fauna from the rest of the world. Unfortunately with the invasion of man, climate and habitats changes over 60 species are now extinct that were found inTasmania and Australia. One we heard about every where we went here is the thylacine aka Tasmanian Tiger. The largest known carnivorous marsupial. Thanks to a bounty, this species is now extinct. The last one died in a London zoo in 1936. Google this for more information. Quite an interesting looking creature. One of this blog page is a pic of a spotted quoll. Can you spot it?

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