Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Australia! Sydney Exploration episode 15 part 3

All this touring worked up a bit of hunger, lunch in the Rocks Cafe. This area originally was sandstone and where the convicts were employed to quarry the stone to to be used as building material. Next stop was an Opal shop. The owner gave us a most interesting tour. The majority of gem quality opals are mined in Australia. Who knew?! We also go a look at the world's largest opal. The high quality gems are a bit out of my/our price range... We all scattered to explore on our own. BJ, Candace and I set out to find, what else could it be...the Hard Rock Cafe! Success! On our way explored the Pitt Street Mall, Queen Victoria building, Pymont pedestrian swing bridge and Darling Harbor.
Tomorrow our last day before the trek home. Check back for more pics of the Sydney Harbor and more.

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