Monday, December 18, 2017

Day 13. Antarctica. More of the Goudier Strait

If the weather was not beautiful yesterday, today hit it out if the park. Not a cloud in the sky! Boy howdy have we been unusually lucky with the weather. So easy to get sun burned, even with sun screen. Note to self to be more diligent in applying the stuff..... Also note the hats and sunglasses in today's pics. Funny, the gentoos do not seem to mind.... in yesterday's photo there was a pic looking down on a few buildings. That is Pork Lockroy. That was our first stop today. It is a British historic Antarctic Survey research station museum that is staffed for the 4 month of summer in this part of the world. This year by women. How cool is that! It is home to a massive amount of Gentoo penguin colonies. We had the chance to use their post office and go shopping. Their have quite an assortment of Antarctica stuff. A few items are going home to MN. On our way back to the ship, spotted a leopard seal. Very cool. Late in the afternoon, our second landing was on Cuverville Island. Guess what we found, yup, more Gentoos, about 4800 breeding pairs. They are quite prolific. Primarily due to their ability to adapt to our changing environment. Enjoy more views of this adventure.

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