Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Day 15 & 16. Random thoughts.

What can one do to while away the rocking and rolling hours but to muse a plethora of random thoughts. Read on and hope you will be amused.

* Antarctica! Why Antarctica? Why not? Grateful to be one of about .03% of the world population to visit this white wilderness.

* chairs are all chained to the floor. Hum...

* watching people attempt to walk a straight line. It ain't happening.

* mastering stairs. Good thing there are reachable handles of both sides. Elevators are shut off while in Drake Shaker.

* donning just about every piece of clothing when getting off the ship. Who can move?!

* mastering getting into and out of the knee high boots. Much appreciation to our human boot jacks!

* just when we mastered the mustering procedure to get on and off the zodiacs, it is over. The procedure went as follows: 4 groups on board. Rotation as to the order. Don your base layer, pants and shirt, rain pants, parka, headband, balaclava, walking pole, sock liners, thermal socks, glove liners, water proof gloves, dry bag, backpack, camera and spare battery, cell phone, a smile on your face and adventure in your heart. Meet in discovery lounge, turn your assigned # on the tote board. Out the door in groups of 10, the boat fairies helped you get your shoes off and your boots on. Each cabin has its one boot cubby. Note to self, rain pants go on the outside of boot. Queue up again then down the steps you go to zodiac deck. Step in sanitizer and on to the raft you go. Returning, reverse the process except add a power wash to clean the penguin goo goo off. Eeuu

* the dread of the cacophony of coughing when all 4 groups are together

* entertainment of watching fellow passengers' peculiar behaviors. Or something along the lines of entertaining

* the shower dance - bouncing around from wall to wall then trying to control the constant changing water temps.

* observing your cabin mate go into a total body spaz when noticing the hanging towel monkeys over her shoulder. We are still laughing.

* constant supply of bottled water.. who can keep up. Certainly not ones bladder....

* enjoying the talents of our sole musician on board. He can play and sing just about any song. He, among many of the crew, seem to pop up just about anywhere doing a number of tasks. Interesting...

* moreover the awe and wonderment to have had a chance to step foot on this fascinating and massive continent. Truly white wilderness, where no human has trod.

Sent from my iPad

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