Friday, December 8, 2017

Day 5. Out of town adventures. Bariloche! Part 1

Well, if the first 2 days were not amazing, the third hit it out of the park. Our first adventure was rafting on the Limay River. Ya, only a class 1 rapids, but still quite interesting. Lunch riverside in the warm sunlight. Just does not get any better for sure. Oh but wait, there's more! Horseback riding in the afternoon and a scrumptious interesting dinner. ( That's Minnesota speak for ... interesting...). Note the pics of the gouchos and their horses. They truly are horse whisperers. A totally interesting trait we are witnessing consistently is the docile behavior of domestic animals — dogs and horses. Dogs very content to just quietly lay down on the street or up against a store front. No barking no begging. Very well behaved. Also true of the horses. No need to keep them tied to anything. The reins dropped to the ground and they did not move until led. The horses today were so well behaved and docile. Mine had a very strong aversion to stepping on fresh "road apples". Must not have wanted to taint her feet. How dainty. :D. Tomorrow we say good bye to Bariloche. It has been a fabulous time. Back to Buenos Aires for 2 nights, then the true adventure begins. Stay tuned!

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