Thursday, September 19, 2019

Scandinavia! Helsinki Day 10 a

Helsinki! The capital of Finland and its most populous city. Located on shore of the gulf of Finland. History of this country goes back centuries to the Iron Age and the Tavastians. There is some evidence of inhabitants in the following centuries but not much has been found. Swedes colonized the coastline in the late 13th century after the successful Second Crusade to Finland defeating the Tavastians. Sweden controlled this area until the tsar of Russia came in to rule for 8 years 1713-1721 then Sweden regained control. It went back and forth between these 2 until after WWI, 1917 Finland declared its independence. Helsinki has a very urban and progressive feel to it. We had fun riding the hop on and off bus to learn and see this city. Although have to admit a few of us had a hard time staying awake... 😊. Photos are of the harbor square, Helsinki cathedral, market square and library. One more day to explore tomorrow then begin journey home. Keep reading.

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