Friday, September 13, 2019

Scandinavia- Sweden Day 4 day 3 riding

We set out from the hotel to head north... right into the 17-25 mph wind. You know it is a tough day when you start counting down the miles at 1 and 39 to go. Seriously, if you stopped you would be blown over. Our first 5 miles averaged 7.4 mph. It was a mere 23 miles to lunch, might as well have been 123. At one point it felt like cranking up out of Hidden Falls. One of the longest, steepest climbs on the Mississippi in the Twin Cities... for 20 miles... Truly, the scenery was stunning. We hugged the coast along the Kattegat, the shallow sea between Denmark and Sweden on the fist national bike route in Sweden. Quaint fishing villages, cozy thatched roof homes, and boat filled harbors. After cranking out way to lunch at a golf course, we were delighted with a tail wind...for the most part... down the opposite side of the peninsula. Sure made that last 18 miles not too challenging. The last couple if miles were through an enchanting forest. The floor was a silky green carpet of moss. Very cool!! Boarded the train back to Helsingborg and immediately ducked into our favorite pub, the telegraph...again. Are you surprised? Tomorrow we say goodbye to Helsingborg and set out for Stockholm. Stay tuned!

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