Sunday, September 15, 2019

Scandinavia! Sweden Day 6 Ride Day 5

We shuttled over to Drottningholm Castle, permanent home to the Swedes' royal family since 1981. The first photo is of our hotel in a converted mill building. It is pretty nice! What was not so nice today was the mistral like winds. Holy cats, thought two days ago was tough, it was stronger today pretty much sustaining 25+ mph. A first happened to Mark, Alice and I, we were blown to a dead stop on a short incline, about 12" of shoulder on a busy road. It was stop or fall over. Today was practice on how slow you can ride a bike and stay upright. Wow. Lunch was at Faringso Hembygdsgard, an open air museum comprised of 10 wood structures dating back to the 1780's. We were served a smorgasbord like cake made with meat or fish and a couple gallons of mayonnaise. Interesting.... we gobbled it down and braced ourselves for the ride back down the island. That is, those who could not fit in the van.... Upon our return to our hotel, we immediately retired to the bar to console ourselves with a bit of lager. For dinner, we set out into the neighborhood. Found a fabulous restaurant, our server was a ton of fun. She grew up in New York City, originally born in Sweden where her parents met. A single parent and has chosen to live in Sweden. It is much easier for her, only has to work 2 jobs instead of 4. All health care and education is funded entirely by the government. That is significant. A walk home in the dark, sound asleep by 9. Tomorrow, last day to ride. We will ride into Old Town. Read on!

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