Thursday, November 14, 2019

China! Day 10 part c

The scale of this discovery is yet to be determined other than it is immense. There are 3 pits partially excavated. The excavation and reconstruction of this archeological site is ongoing. More than 2000 warriors and horses have been excavated. There is an estimated 6000 still buried. Emperor Qin Shi Huang's actual tomb remains a mystery to archeologists and historians as it is still sealed up. Geophysical surveys have determined where the tomb mound is located but the mausoleum has not been excavated. It was believed that Qin Shi Huang could rule over his empire in the afterlife along with his support warriors. In reflection of exploring this world wonder today, one is struck by not only the depth and quantity but the effort required to build and bury all that is here. It is nearly beyond comprehension.

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