Saturday, November 9, 2019

China! Day 5 part b

The Summer Palace, UNESCO world heritage site, was our afternoon exploration. The grounds is a vast ensemble of lakes, gardens, palace and many many supporting structures. Origins of the palace date back to the Jin Dynasty in 1153, moved to this location in the 1400's. It was maintained and neglected for the next 400 years during the reigning dynasties. October 18, 1860, the British burned down the palace and all supporting buildings. 1875-1908, Empress Dowager Cixi aka Dragon Lady came to power. She ordered the restoration in 1895 of the the Summer Palace in celebration of her 60th birthday. To finance this massive renovation project, Ci Xi ( Dragon Lady), "borrowed" funds that were to be set aside for the Royal Navy. Today we toured the grounds, strolled down the world's longest covered corridor and enjoyed a boat ride across the lake. Amazing opulence this empress enjoyed. Not so much for the people outside of the palace. 1912, it was no longer a residential palace 4 years after the Dragon Lady's death. It has been a tourist attraction and park ever since. Would have been fun to climb up to the actual palace, not enough time. Maybe, will have to return someday. Back to our hotel we promptly set out to the nearest convenience store for provisions— beer and chips. Enjoyed a bit of happy hour and off to a most unique dining experience. It is called Hot Pot. Probably most similar to doing fondue but not really. They brought copper pots in with oil and seasonings to be heated in recessed burners in the table. We then cooked our own meat and vegetables. Totally fun! Except next time will not put so much chili paste etc in my seasoning dish. It was about a 15 napkin meal. The eyes were watering right along with the nose.... beer helped. But that is usually the case. Tomorrow the Forbidden City and who knows what else! Check back.

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