Thursday, November 14, 2019

China! Day 10 part e

It would not be an OAT tour without a school visit. Here we are in a 6th grade classroom. The students were quite fun. It was interesting to say the least. Was remiss in completing yesterday's adventures. Dinner last night was comprised of a number of variations of dumplings. Yum! Along with a stage show. The costumes were amazing! Loves the choreography and musical instruments. The best was the line of women performing the 1000 hands. All had about 3" extensions for finger nails. It was pretty cool. Tonight's dinner, not so elaborate. A few of us when for a Chinese hamburger. Well, not really a hamburger as you might know. It was quite tasty. The meat was chopped pork and the bun...not sure exactly but it was yummy! Tomorrow our last day in Xī'ān.

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