Sunday, December 15, 2019

Cambodia Day 1 part c

> Temple #3, Lolei. Very different from the first 2. A more modern temple which is in use today, has been built on the ruins of the original temple. We talked to a few monks and explored around the ruins and current structure. Boys are selected at age 7 to study as a monk. The commitment is until age 25. They can choose at that time whether of not to continue as a monk. In Tibet, it is a lifetime commitment. Interesting difference. Darkness was setting in so we traveled back into town and the city central. Our guide gave us a little city tour and graciously gave us a stop in the Hard Rock Cafe. A few of us had to buy the obligatory shirt and pin. Pub Street was teeming. Boy howdy has this town changed since was last here 7 years ago. On to a very tasty dinner and back to the hotel for a much needed rest. Tomorrow more adventure!

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