Friday, December 13, 2019

China! Day 20 part a

> Our Yangtze River Cruise is now over. Those 3 nights went fast! Today is our first day of rain. Overall, have been quite lucky with the weather. Although, have not seen the sun since we left Lhasa Tibet. Maybe will see it again when we get to Cambodia. Before our 5 hour bus ride, wouldn't ya know it, OAT has a tour scheduled. This one is of the spectacular Three Gorges Dam. It is the world's largest dam in the world. 4x's larger than Hoover Dam. It is 1.4 miles long and 600' high at a cost of 30 billion USD. The reservoir is 360 miles long, submerged 13 cities, 140 towns, 1352 villages, 657 factories, approximately 75000 farm land, and relocated 1.3 million people. On the plus side, the Dam creates about 5% of the countries electricity, flood control and improved navigation. It was quite impressive to see this engineering feat. Although, due to the weather, could not see very much of the actual dam. The scale model is much easier to see.

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