Sunday, December 15, 2019

Cambodia Day 2 part d

> More exploration in Siem Reap. The first photo is a typical place you would get a drink for a thirsty motorcycle. They are everywhere and the main mode of transportation. See the bottles on the racks? They are filled with gas. This would so not fly in the USA. Once lasting after affect of the Vietnam was is landmines. They are still quite a concern to the native people living in this country. Estimates is about at least 2000 or the around 6000 mines are still out there. Using metal detectors are extremely time consuming and costly. A new method is training and using rats. They have a extremely well defined sense of smell and can detect a trace of gun powder better than any other animal. We met P. Derr. He did well at a demonstration. Forgot to mention our lunch was a cooking class at a home hosted lunch. It was quite fun — no photos, but fun and tasty. Our dinner location was at a restaurant where our instructor was working. Was able to get a picture with her. What a fun and busy day! We did everything on today's schedule and tomorrow. We are off script. That is ok, adds to the adventure. Read on.

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